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WellcOme tO My Blog

Sabtu, 07 Desember 2013

[Media Capture] Kim Hyun Joong - KBS Entertainment Weekly 'Inspiring Generation' Interview [13.12.07]

Credit:  http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201312072126047410

Credit:  http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1386419533617265019

Credit:  vhttp://star.mbn.co.kr/view.php?no=1249060&year=2013

Credit:  http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201312072227527410

[Fanpic] Park Jung Min - Gimpo Airport Arrival from Japan [13.12.07]

Credit:  @happy_minlove

[Fanpic] Park Jung Min - Kansai Airport Departure to Korea [13.12.07]

Credit:  @M_YeSeuL 

[HMW_JAPAN Photo] Park Jung Min - 'Summer Snow' Musical 2013 in Kansai [13.12.05]

Credit:  @HMW_JAPAN 

[Fanmade] Kim Hyun Joong - Teaser of "Inspiring Generation" Filming at Yeongwol [13.12.04]

Credit:  http://www.youtube.com/user/HollisHyun

Kim Hyung Jun - KBS 1TV Daily Drama "Melody of Love" Episode 25 [13.12.06]

Credit:  http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3r-4-vc1Ubw/

[Photo+Trans] Park Jung Min - Twitter Site Update [13.12.06]

Credit:  @JungMin0403
English trans  @xiaochu1004 

[Trans] Before going to sleep...! Surprise~!! I wanted to call at the strike of 12~!! Fans knew it earlier than me and congratulated~!! My mother, happy birthday to you♥I love you♥ I'll treat you to delicious sashimi♥ 

RT @JungMin0403: 잠들기 전...! 깜짝~!!12시땡하면 전화하려했는데~!!
팬 들이 나보다 먼저 알고 축하해줬네~!!  울 엄마 생신축하해요♥사랑해♥
가서 맛난 회 사줄께♥ http://t.co/88qkBblcw5

[Trans] Mom~son is going to sleep~~! Present♥

RT @JungMin0403: 엄마~아들 잔다~~! 선물♥ http://t.co/q7oyEnIxmy

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - JJUNAWAY Official Site Update [13.12.06]

Credit:  http://kimhyungjun.jp/

[ThetvSeoul Video] Kim Hyun Joong KBS Drama "Inpiring Ganeration" Showcase [13.12.07]

Credit:  ThetvSeoul@youtube

[GraceKelly6 Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - KBS Drama "Inpiring Ganeration" Showcase [13.12.02]

Credit:   http://weibo.com/gracekelly6

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - LOTTE JTB K-POP Acardemy Merchandise

Credit:  http://www.lottejtb.cn/form/list_view.php?part1_idx=1&part_idx=17&idx=31#none