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Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
[Twitter]Hardworking Hyung Jun’s tweet on 110505
2011-05-05 @ 8:07 PM
ㅋㅋ RT @HyungJun87: 지금 정연님은 열심히 함께 벽을꾸미는중.^^ From HnB Company yfrog.com/h42mbvrj yfrog.com/h0qczwnpj
ㅋ ㅋ RT @HyungJun87: Now decorating the wall dilligently with Mr JungYeon.^^ From HnB Company yfrog.com/h42mbvrj yfrog.com/h0qczwnpj
2011-05-05 @ 6:40 PM
열심히 공사중인..준대표와 숭팀장..외근 나간 범대표와 이팀장 … 어여와요~저녁 함께 먹읍시당~ yfrog.com/h351817322j yfrog.com/h7xkbaknj yfrog.com/h2hdiycj
In the midst of working hard on the contruction.. Representative Jun and Team Leader Soong..Representative Bum and Team Leader Lee who went out for business … Come quickly~Let’s eat dinner together~
2011-05-05 @ 6:07 PM
지금 정연님은 열심히 함께 벽을꾸미는중.^^ From HnB Company yfrog.com/h42mbvrj yfrog.com/h0qczwnpj
Now decorating the wall dilligently with Mr JungYeon.^^ From HnB Company
2011-05-05 @ 4:48 PM
아.. 팔아파.. 가마분타야 씽씽 달려줘잉~~ 날 뒤에서 구경만 하눈 김모군 아들 형준-.- yfrog.com/h4q3amoj
Ah.. Arms pain.. Kamabuntaya Ssingssing run~~ Kim-something who is only just looking behind me, son HyungJun-_-
*erm, sorry I dont know what was it he’s talking about. >_<
2011-05-05 @ 4:49 PM
@HyungJun87 어린이날선물주세요!!
@HyungJun87 Give me a Childrens Day gift!!
2011-05-05 @ 3:26 PM
@HyungJun87 이 티셔츠 사고싶다
@HyungJun87 I want to buy this t-shirt
2011-05-05 @ 3:04 PM
오늘은 어린이날 ~가족들과 함께 즐거운 하루 보내봅시다! yfrog.com/h2c3haej
Today is Childrens Day ~Let's spend an enjoyable day with our family!
[Twitter]Kyu Jong twitter update5.5.11
고마워..^^ 진짜진짜!!!! http://yfrog.com/gzz0kugj
Thank You .. ^ ^ really, really
우히히히~~!!!! 오늘 포토타임도가졌다구요!! 히 고마워^^ http://yfrog.com/h2j0kftj
ooh hehehe~~!!!! I took photos today!! He. Thanks^^
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