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Senin, 07 April 2014

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong does not want to take up drama offers for the sake of money

Credit  starhallyu.com

Over the past years, many Korean actors have advanced their acting career by taking up roles in foreign dramas, such as by acting in Chinese and Taiwanese dramas. By doing so, not only do they get paid almost triple of their standard fees in Korea, the actors are also able to get more fame by expending their fan base in other countries.

With a successful acting in ‘Inspiring Generation’, Kim Hyun Joong was asked during interview if he would like to advance his career by acting in foreign dramas. 

To this, Kim Hyun Joong rejected the idea and said that these kind of dramas always have voice dubbing and it will be problematic when he doesn’t even know the language what he is speaking. 

“Although more popularity will be gained but I don’t want to do things just for the money”, says Kim Hyun Joong. 

He also revealed that he does have plans to learn another language, “It will not be Chinese or Japanese, I will learn English as it is needed more often. However, I really don’t have a good brain for languages”.

[MurdererQ Scan] Nikkan Sports Kim Hyun Joong 10-13 April 2014 Issue

Credit:  s865.photobucket.com

[Sched] Kim Hyun Joong - June 2014 Schedule Update [14.04.07]

Credit:  hyun-joong.com

June 28th
Seoul concert (scheduled)

[Photo+Trans] Kim Hyung Jun - Twitter Site Update [14.04.07]

Credit:  @HyungJun87

[Trans] What are you doing Choco? Cute~

RT @HyungJun87: 머해 쪼꼬야? 귀엽게~ http://t.co/O0I25qppkV

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong "enters the world tour on June"

Credit:  www.innolife.com

Kim Hyun Joong "enters the world tour on June"

Kim Hyun Joong, who has been formerly recognize as the actor through 'Inspiring Generation', goes for the world tour, starting from Korea on coming June. Having successfully ended KBS 2TV 'Inspiring Generation' in which he played the leading role, is soon to release new album and meet fans from worldwide.

On the day the broadcast of drama ended, Kim Hyun Joong claimed "I will be entering the world tour starting from Korea, on coming June 28th. He continued, "the visited countries are not yet determined, but I think there will be many of them. New album will be also released before the tour", and increased expectation. It's been first time for Kim Hyun-Joong to release solo album since 2013 July. He particularly suggested the hint about the new music:"I want to be engaged with music in which I can have fun, so that it goes along with World Cup. He said, "I should enjoy the coming World Cup with chicken and beer. I am going to prepare the album that one can have fun with, which is suitable to the atmosphere of World Cup. I don't want to care about chart ranking, but about the song that the feelings for Korea's victory can be united in one place. I will make the pleasant song that I can enjoy with fans, not on the broadcast, but in the city hall complex. But I am not aiming for the 'World Cup specialization'. (laughter)"

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong Discusses His Plans Before Enlisting Next Year

Credit:  www.soompi.com

Idol actor Kim Hyun Joong recently sat down for an interview with “Star Today ”and talked about his plans leading up to the date of his army enlistment.

He said, “I have plans to enlist in the army next year. Before I officially enlist, I’d like to tackle one more movie or drama if possible. After wrapping up my most recent drama, I just want to be able to blaze through everything and do as much as I can. As though my days were numbered. I think to myself, ‘After today passes, tomorrow will come’ and set out to do everything with great passion. People around me tell me that I should take a break since I have been able to complete many good projects. They told me to look after my body while I still have a good image. But, even if I get criticized, I’d rather just push forward and instead of looking after my image, I’d prefer gaining a ton of experience so I can grow my talents. If I fail, then I fail, and if I succeed, then I succeed.” 

He also added, “My personality is actually similar to how water ebbs and flows, but after I became a celebrity, I think all of that changed.” 

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun "Melody of Love" Fans Support

Credit:  @mire1102
Fans support Kim Hyung Jun at "Melody of Love" drama film site


[Article] Kim Hyun Joong denies that he is dating After School's UEE

Credit:  www.allkpop.com

Kim Hyun Joong talked about the rumors of him dating After School's UEE

Back when both of them were starring on 'Barefoot Friends', a rumor had spread that the duo were actually dating. According to rumors, Kim Hyun Joong had introduced UEE to his friends as his girlfriend. Even though the rumors quieted after the show ended, it still pops up from time to time.

In an interview he had with Star Today, he was asked about the rumors. He answered, "It's not true at all. To be honest, I trusted these rumors out of instinct. But now that I became one of the subjects, I realized they're not believable. I heard through the rumors that I was dating UEE, and we laughed together when we saw it. After that, the staff kept teasing us, so I jokingly said 'she's my girlfriend', and that became the fuel for another round of rumors. It's a scary world."

He added, "We were all close during the filming, but I don't think I could ever be dating UEE like the rumors suggest."

[Media Photo] Kim Hyun Joong Interview [14.04.07]

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