Snow Prince
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Sabtu, 08 Februari 2014
[Fanpic+Live] Kim Hyung Jun, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min - 'HE, His Story' 3rd Solo Debut Anniversary Solo Concert [14.02.08]
Kim Hyung Jun 3rd solo debut anniversary solo concert 'HE, His Story' held at Yonsei University Auditorium, Seoul
Kibum at concert venue
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @peacejerry
Credit: @AunnyBkk
JungMin and KyuJong sitting at 2nd floor
Credit: @TripleSThailand
Actors Seo Ha Joon opening stage
"Just Let It Go"
Credit @yanlingpiro
Credit: @peacejerry
Credit: @reena2_9: Hyung Jun say it's been such a long time since his last performance. He's so nervous. It's been a year.
Hyung Jun said this hall is also previously where Kyu Jong held his fan meet. Kyu Jong start waving his light stick.
Hyung Jun such a tease. He acted like he couldn't open the bottle cap and ask fan to open it for him..
Showing a video of Hyung Jun acting cute for whole 15 seconds. And ending with deep kiss with big soft toy.
Credit: @triplesph
Jjun singing a ost from.a drama
.and he asked everyone to.stand and wave the lightstick
HyungJun did a parody..omg!!he aegyo overload
"I AM"
Credit: @yanlingpiro
"Got It Wrong"
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @reena2_9: When there's a long interval between tweets, it means he's performing song that I can't remember e title. Like right now
'Always Love you'
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @reena2_9: Showing a video of Hyung Jun driving to dance studio. He called out to Kyu Jong while driving..
Credit: @triplesph: showing a video now while he is driving in gangnam then.he called Kyujong on the phone and invited him on the concert
"A Song Calling For You" ballad version
"I'm Your Man" ballad version
Jung Min is on stage with Hyung Jun
Credit: @peacejerry
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @reena2_9: Even ask the fans, it's better if Jung Min cut his hair right? RIGHT!!
Kyu Jong introducing himself
KyuJong on 2nd floor
Credit: @yanlingpiro due to military KyuJong can't go on stage. but he's at 2 floor taking through the screen!
Credit: @happy_minlove
Credit: @reena2_9: Just now Kyu Jong said he thinks Jung Min looked good in this hairstyle, then Jung Min said 'assa!' happily
"Empress Ki" OST
Credit: @yanlingpiro: they just had their new song!
JungMin on stage alone
"Hooray for Love" OST
Credit: @yanlingpiro:
Credit: @reena2_9: After performing a dance he said it's been a long time since he last danced, so he's very tired. Then he ask 'Kyu Jong, how?'
Cause it'll be even longer that Kyu Jong have not perform. How will he become.
"Sweet, Everyday"
"No Other Women But You"
Credit: @reena2_9: Hyung Jun keep asking fans age. Their age keep getting younger and younger. He almost choked when a fan say she's 18
Credit: @yanlingpiro: Jjun: what does the fox say??
Credit: @Lovers_SS501
Credit: @triplesph They sang the song What does the fox say..and they are dressed in a yellow fox cute..
"A Song Calling For You" remix version
Credit: @yanlingpiro
"I'm Your Man"
"Love Like This"
Credit: @yanlingpiro: he's saying the sweat on his back look like a HEART!
Credit: @reena2_9: Fans told him Kyu Jong and Jung Min went off already. He acted angry and said 'beeeep!' Censor himself.
Credit: @reena2_9: Hyung Jun got a temp tattoo on his arm. He keep making sure it's visible by rolling up his sleeve.
"Snow Prince"
KyuJong, JungMin sang together on stage with HyungJun
Credit: @reena2_9
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @prettyboy_jun
Credit: @YSuching
Credit: @reena2_9
Credit: @ss501carpediem
Credit: @62non
Credit: @mykingjun
Credit: @mnflnz
Credit: @tama501ss
Credit: @sureSs501
Credit: @MyOrange_0224
Credit: @chungba501
Credit: @kjjh0224
Kibum at concert venue
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @peacejerry
Credit: @AunnyBkk
JungMin and KyuJong sitting at 2nd floor
Credit: @TripleSThailand
Actors Seo Ha Joon opening stage
"Just Let It Go"
Credit @yanlingpiro
Credit: @peacejerry
Credit: @reena2_9: Hyung Jun say it's been such a long time since his last performance. He's so nervous. It's been a year.
Hyung Jun said this hall is also previously where Kyu Jong held his fan meet. Kyu Jong start waving his light stick.
Hyung Jun such a tease. He acted like he couldn't open the bottle cap and ask fan to open it for him..
Showing a video of Hyung Jun acting cute for whole 15 seconds. And ending with deep kiss with big soft toy.
Credit: @triplesph
Jjun singing a ost from.a drama
.and he asked everyone to.stand and wave the lightstick
HyungJun did a parody..omg!!he aegyo overload
"I AM"
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @reena2_9: When there's a long interval between tweets, it means he's performing song that I can't remember e title. Like right now
'Always Love you'
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @reena2_9: Showing a video of Hyung Jun driving to dance studio. He called out to Kyu Jong while driving..
Credit: @triplesph: showing a video now while he is driving in gangnam then.he called Kyujong on the phone and invited him on the concert
"A Song Calling For You" ballad version
"I'm Your Man" ballad version
Jung Min is on stage with Hyung Jun
Credit: @peacejerry
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Kyu Jong introducing himself
KyuJong on 2nd floor
Credit: @yanlingpiro due to military KyuJong can't go on stage. but he's at 2 floor taking through the screen!
Credit: @happy_minlove
Credit: @reena2_9: Just now Kyu Jong said he thinks Jung Min looked good in this hairstyle, then Jung Min said 'assa!' happily
"Empress Ki" OST
Credit: @yanlingpiro: they just had their new song!
JungMin on stage alone
"Hooray for Love" OST
Credit: @yanlingpiro:
Credit: @reena2_9: After performing a dance he said it's been a long time since he last danced, so he's very tired. Then he ask 'Kyu Jong, how?'
Cause it'll be even longer that Kyu Jong have not perform. How will he become.
"Sweet, Everyday"
"No Other Women But You"
Credit: @reena2_9: Hyung Jun keep asking fans age. Their age keep getting younger and younger. He almost choked when a fan say she's 18
Credit: @yanlingpiro: Jjun: what does the fox say??
Credit: @Lovers_SS501
Credit: @triplesph They sang the song What does the fox say..and they are dressed in a yellow fox cute..
"A Song Calling For You" remix version
"I'm Your Man"
"Love Like This"
Credit: @yanlingpiro: he's saying the sweat on his back look like a HEART!
Credit: @reena2_9: Fans told him Kyu Jong and Jung Min went off already. He acted angry and said 'beeeep!' Censor himself.
Credit: @reena2_9: Hyung Jun got a temp tattoo on his arm. He keep making sure it's visible by rolling up his sleeve.
"Snow Prince"
KyuJong, JungMin sang together on stage with HyungJun
Credit: @reena2_9
Credit: @yanlingpiro
Credit: @Lovers_SS501 Credit: @prettyboy_jun
Credit: @YSuching
Credit: @reena2_9
Credit: @ss501carpediem
Credit: @62non
Credit: @mykingjun
Credit: @mnflnz
Credit: @tama501ss
Credit: @sureSs501
Credit: @MyOrange_0224
Credit: @chungba501
Credit: @kjjh0224
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