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WellcOme tO My Blog

Selasa, 18 November 2014

[Fanpic] Kim Hyung Jun - Gimpo Airport Departure to Japan [14.11.17]

Credit:  @prettyboy_jun 

Credit:  @mire1102 

Credit:  @Aile501ss 

Credit:  @hjjh803 

Credit:  @iuop2563 

[Media Photo] Kim Kyu Jong - 'S.O.S Save Me' Behind the Scene [14.11.17]

Credit: http://sbsfune.sbs.co.kr/news/news_content.jsp?article_id=E10005951646

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun for Japan Concert Interview

Credit:  http://instagram.com/siwoon7764

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - Instagram Update [14.11.17]

Credit  http://instagram.com/kimhyungjun87

"Go to Japan ~ !!!!!!!!! 4 new single album promotin !! :-)" 
김형준 Kim Hyung Jun . SS501(@kimhyungjun87)发的照片 · 

Una foto publicada por 김형준 Kim Hyung Jun . SS501 (@kimhyungjun87) el 

[Article] Kim Kyu Jong Prepares Tea Time For All The Staff

Credit:  ph.celebrity.yahoo.com

Actor and singer Kim Kyu Jong gifted his staff of KBS N miniseries ‘SOS Please Help Me.’

To give the staff support and express his thanks, Kim Kyu Jong prepared a coffee car so the staff can drink coffee whenever they want throughout filming. On site, there was a banner next to the car that said, “Today, Kyu Jong is treating everyone to coffee!” He personally handed out the drink to the staff as a sign of appreciation. His kind gesture created an amiable and pleasant atmosphere.

Kim Kyu Jong stated, “I prepared this car to give strength to the actors and staff who are working hard even in this cold weather. I hope this gives even a little bit of strength.” 

SOS Please Help Me’ is a remake of the Japanese drama ‘S.O.S’ (Strawberry On the Shortcake). It revolves around several love lines which are intertwined and mixed up. An introvert falls in love with a girl who turns out to be his new step-sister and she likes someone from her school who turns out to be in a relationship with a teacher. 

Meanwhile, this drama airs every Wednesday and Thursday. (photo by B2M Entertainment)

[Video] Kim Hyung Jun - Instagram Update [14.11.18]

Credit:  http://instagram.com/p/vh1dDyANye
"Shibuya Tower Records ! Bye"

Un vídeo publicado por 김형준 Kim Hyung Jun . SS501 (@kimhyungjun87) el 

[Fanpic] Kim Hyung Jun 'BETTER' Album Released at Tower Records Shibuya [14.11.18]

Credit:   @TOWER_Shibuya

Credit:  @ilgopkumu 

Credit:  @sako_love501 

Credit:  @catakimi 

Credit:  @meminfini0313 

Credit:  @min_0725

Credit:  @tuusan140

Credit:  @bts_non

Credit:  @lalamam127 

Credit:  @harehare612 

[Media Photo] Park Jung Min - Attends 'Dad for Rent' VIP Movie Premiere [14.11.18]

Credit:  http://fashion.mk.co.kr/view.php?no=1438942&year=2014

Credit:  http://news1.kr/photos/view/?1108823
Credit:  http://www.xportsnews.com/?ac=article_view&entry_id=523443

Credit:  http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=606152

Credit:  http://www.hankyung.com/news/app/newsview.php?aid=2014111885067

Credit:  http://star.mbn.co.kr/view.php?no=1438968&year=2014
Credit:  http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=201411180100232250014476&servicedate=20141118
Credit:  http://reviewstar.wowtv.co.kr/Photo/PhotoView.php?WEB_GSNO=10219215