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WellcOme tO My Blog

Selasa, 06 Agustus 2013

[Trans] Kim Kyu Jong & Kim Hyung Jun - Twitter Site Update [13.08.06]

Credit:  @2kjdream + @HyungJun87
English trans  @SakuraDream501

Kim Kyu Jong tweet

[Trans] JjuniJjun my beloved Magnae-ngi now is grown up ♥ I miss you ㅠ Seriously... heehee I Love You  ♥

RT @2kjdream@HyungJun87 쭈니쭌 이제 어른인 내사랑막냉이 ♥ 보고싶다 ㅠ 진심... ㅎㅎ 알 럽 유  ♥

Kim Hyung Jun reply

[Trans] I'm always thankful for my friends, my comrades! Let's try for that day hwaiting!!

RT @HyungJun87@2kjdream 항상 고마운 나의친구, 나의동지! 힘내자 그날을 위해서 화이팅!!

[Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - SBS Hwasin - Controller of the Heart Official Site Update [13.08.06]

Credit:  http://hwasin.sbs.co.kr/photo/photo_sketch.jsp?uniq_no=10000302571

[Photo] Heo Young Saeng - FC One Official Site Update [13.07.29]

Credit:   http://cafe.daum.net/fcgoody

[Media Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - 2013 Birth Day Party Event [13.08.03]

Credit:  http://star.fnnews.com/news/index.html?no=220275

Credit:  http://sports.hankooki.com/lpage/entv/201308/sp2013080610423494350.htm

Credit:  http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=378779

Credit:   http://www.newstown.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=151514

Credit:   http://www.sportsworldi.com/Articles/EntCulture/Article.asp?aid=20130806021061&subctg1=50&subctg2=00&OutUrl=naver

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - 2013 Birth Day Party Event [13.08.03] by MC Park In Young

Credit:   http://blog.naver.com/bomnsee/60197485586


Event time

[gpals416 Photo] Kim Hyung Jun FC Avengers Match at Gwacheon Gateway Sports Park [13.08.04]

Credit:   http://blog.naver.com/gpals416/130173650369

[Photo] KIm Hyun Joong - THEFACESHOP Weibo Update [13.08.06]

Credit:   http://e.weibo.com/thefaceshopkorea

[yyss674 Fancam] Kim Hyun Joong - Youth Talk Recording [13.07.30]

Credit:  yyss674@youtube

[미희 유 Fancam] Kim Hyun Joong - Barefoot Friends Concert Recording [13.08.04]

Credit:   미희 유@youtube

[MurdererQ Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - First Week of Round 3 Comeback

Credit:  http://hi.baidu.com/murdererq/item/5bef29290a12373594f62b8f

 2013-08-03 (Sat) : After shooting Barefoot Friends 

2013-08-02 (Fri) : KBS Music Bank     「Your Story」 Pre-recording:

Back from Dinner

2013-07-30 (Tue) : KBS Kim BumSoo's Radio 

 2013-07-28 (Sun) : SBS Inkigayo  Your Story Live

[Article] Kim Hyung Jun celebrates 27th birthday and pampers fans with designer jewelry

Credit:   en.korea.com

On 3rd August, SS501′s maknae Kim Hyung Jun held a birthday party in Seoul, Korea and partied with fans from various countries such as Korea, Japan and China. At the party, Kim Hyung Jun also received birthday well wishes from the cast of ‘Gold Appear Quickly’, in which Hyung Jun acts as character Mong Gyu and who is currently having a love-line in the drama.

Besides the hot performance put up by Kim Hyung Jun, fans at the party also received a gift box each with a bracelet from the brand ‘Mucha’ by Korea’s famous jewelry designer Kim Jeong Ju. Fans were overwhelmed upon receiving this special gift and many left thankful comments to Kim Hyung Jun via twitter.

In the meanwhile, Kim Hyung Jun is expected to be touring 3 countries in South America region this November.

Photo credit : SPlus Entertainment