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Rabu, 07 November 2012
[Photo+Trans] Kim Hyung Jun - Twitter Site Update [12.11.07]
Credits @HyungJun87
English trans @SakuraDream501
[Trans] A students 3rd year in high school, who have worked hard during this one year! This year, everyone's gonna be okay^^ I pray that all the problems will be solved smoothly! Hwaiting! Let's run! Hip, hip, hooray!
RT @HyungJun87: 일년동안 고생하신 전국에 계신 고3 수험생 여러분들! 올해엔 다들 잘될거에요^^ 모든 문제들이 술술 풀리길 기도합니다! 화이팅! 달리자! 아자아자!
English trans @SakuraDream501
[Trans] A students 3rd year in high school, who have worked hard during this one year! This year, everyone's gonna be okay^^ I pray that all the problems will be solved smoothly! Hwaiting! Let's run! Hip, hip, hooray!
RT @HyungJun87: 일년동안 고생하신 전국에 계신 고3 수험생 여러분들! 올해엔 다들 잘될거에요^^ 모든 문제들이 술술 풀리길 기도합니다! 화이팅! 달리자! 아자아자!
[Photo+Trans] Park Jung Min - Twitter Site Update [12.11.07]
Credits @JungMin0403
English trans by @SakuraDream501
[Trans] Tomorrow is university entrance exam!! Everyone studied hard and wish to get good results!!! It is a must to take care of your health and condition~~^^ Don't feel sleepy during exam~~!!
RT @JungMin0403: 내일 수능!! 모두 열심히 공부해서 좋은 결과 얻으시길!!! 건강,컨디션 관리 필수~~^^ 시험볼 때 졸지말~~기!!
English trans by @SakuraDream501
[Trans] Tomorrow is university entrance exam!! Everyone studied hard and wish to get good results!!! It is a must to take care of your health and condition~~^^ Don't feel sleepy during exam~~!!
RT @JungMin0403: 내일 수능!! 모두 열심히 공부해서 좋은 결과 얻으시길!!! 건강,컨디션 관리 필수~~^^ 시험볼 때 졸지말~~기!!
[Info] SPLUS★[November Campaign] ‘Give(dream) to books Do it! Mission 1. Divide to Books Do it!
SPLUS★third story of the Campaign, Let’s get it started Give(dream) to books Do it!
SPLUS★third story of the Campaign, Let’s get it started Give(dream) to books Do it!
Mission first.Divide to Books Do
If you have griping books and hope recommend some
books to ‘Must Reading Book’,
send us the mention.
* Period : 11. 7(Wed) 6pm ~ 11. 13(Tue) 12pm
* Place : SPLUS official twitter
* Way : [Divide to Books Do it!] # divide to books
: recommend!
ex) Title : # Intellective KIM HYUNG JUN’s
recommend Books
1. Between calm and passion 2. Sherlock
Mission second.Give(dream) to Books Do
Wake books up!! The project of make a friend to
sleeping books.
Please, donate your books to SPLUS!!
* Period : 11. 7(Wed) 6pm ~ 11. 28(Wed)
* Adress
B-1502, Mapo Trapalace, 559,
Dohwa-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, Korea 121-784
SPLUS Entertainment
Condition of Books to donate
- Publication after the 2000
- Cannot use : Spring note, very old
books, for license, Cloth books for child, damage books
- Can use : write languages of around
We will gather your books and then donate to happy
library foundation.
Let’s make it real BOOK DREAM!!
SPLUS★[November Campaign] ‘Give(dream) to books Do it! Mission 1. Divide
to Books Do it! Send us the mention your ‘Must Reading Book’
[SPLUS Campaign] ‘Do it! Give a
book’ in November
Did you know that the Ministry of Culture made the
2012 the year of reading?
So, we follow the year of reading,
We made a decision to the November’s Campaign, it
is‘Book dream Do it!’
An word‘dream’has another mean in Korean saying, it
is ‘give’.
So, we fixed the name that its means share to books
and dreams.
Please, do it the campaign with us to make a good
time as divide and pleasure in November.
Book dream Do
November, We need to charge our sensitivity with
cold wind and falling leaves in there.
1+1 Campaign in November~ There is two men in this
The campaign is encourage sb to read books with the
cleanly guy KIM HYUNG JUN and good deed guy LEE KI WOO of SPLUS
Mission first. Divide to Books Do
Fall is the best season for reading
Please, recommend a book with your love for
encouraging courage and dream to someone with their close friend.
Mission second. Give(dream) to Books Do
Do you have an old book? (already read it or left
your books in your stydy)
Please, join to our campaign and thehappy
library foundation.
Let’s go to the our study for wake it up in
The happy library foundation having a campaign that
distributing books by your precious books.
We will be donated to happy library foundation
What is the happy library
It has a program of books donation to the
Children’s welfare center, Communicare, little library,
Building library of Global NGO organization and so
Please, send books to us after cleanly read.
We will donate by ‘the fan of KIM HYUNG JUN &
From 11.7 to 11. 28
SPLUS official twitter(!/SPLUSent),
Official website of KIM HYUNG
JUN( and
Postingan (Atom)