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WellcOme tO My Blog

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012
[Photo+Trans] Kim Hyung Jun (@HyungJun87) Twitter Site Update [12.08.11]
Credit @HyungJun87
[Trans] Today, Kim Hyung Jun's 4th recurrence of Japan nationwide tour. Just Fukuoka! Let's go! Let's run!
RT @HyungJun87: 오늘은 김형준의 일본전국투어 4회차 !바로 후쿠오까! 가자! 달려봅시다!
[Trans/แปล] Kim Hyung Jun (@HyungJun87) Twitter Site Update [12.08.12] on the bus
Credit @HyungJun87
[Trans] We take the bus to move! Why? We're a gangster! Wassup! After finished the performances in Fukuoka and arrived in Osaka. Sleepiness...... hum
RT @HyungJun87 우린 버스를 타고 이동한다! 왜? 갱스터니까! 왓썹! 후쿠오까 공연 마치고 오사카 도착 . 졸림...... 흐암
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