WellcOme tO My Blog

WellcOme tO My Blog

Kamis, 16 Oktober 2014

[Trans] Park Jung Min - Twitter Site Update [14.10.16]

Credit:  @JungMin0403
English trans  @xiaochu1004 

[Trans] Because of some hipcups from the organiser's end, we were very late! My fans were very cold right? I'll quickly prepare to perform soon!!!^^ Even though my mind and body is exhausted, but I'll gain strength when I see my fans!^^ aja aja~^^hwaiting~!!♡

RT @JungMin0403: 주최 측 사고 때문에, 너무 늦어버렸어요! 우리 팬들 너무 추웠죠? 어서 준비해서 공연할께요!!!^^
심신이 너무 지쳤지만, 우리 팬분들보면서 힘낼께요!^^ 아자아자~^^화이팅~!!♥

[Fanpic] Park Jung Min - Arrived Bolivia Airport [14.10.15]

Credit:  @MelodyJunTS 

[Photo] Heo Young Saeng - Seoul Police Hongbodan Events at Paju Booksori Festival [14.10.10]

Credit:  http://blog.daum.net/jygilll/16131918

[Photo] Heo Young Saeng - Seoul Police Hongbodan Events at Police Museum [14.10.10]

Credit:  http://blog.daum.net/jygilll/16131917

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun Interview with korepo, Japan Media [14.10.16]

Credit:  @Kkorepo 

Credit:  http://korepo.com/archives/62855

[Photo+Trans] Kim Hyung Jun - Twitter Site Update [14.10.16]

Credit:  + @HyungJun87

[Trans] 2014.11.19 New single Better !! Coming soon~!~!!

RT @HyungJun87: 2014. 11. 19
  New single Better !!  커밍쑨~!~!! http://t.co/K0TR2ecYof