WellcOme tO My Blog

WellcOme tO My Blog

Selasa, 18 September 2012

Kim Kyu Jong ~ U R Man Japanese Edition unreleased photos

[News] SS501’s Heo Young Saeng release MV teaser for Japanese debut “1.2.3”

Credits  www.dkpopnews.net

SS501’s Heo Young Saeng will launch his career in Japan with his Japanese debut album ‘Overjoyed’, to be released on September 19th.

‘Overjoyed’ will contain 11 tracks and a couple of these will be his hit-Korean songs, but sung in Japanese. The title song will be “1.2.3” and Heo Young Saeng recently released a video teaser for the upcoming track via Pony Canyon’s Youtube.

Heo Young Saeng will also hold his first solo concert in Japan to commemorate the release and then take to touring overseas.

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - Official Weibo Update [12.09.18]

Credits  weibo.cn/officialkhj

무더운 여름~ 계속 아이스 커피만 마시다 이제 가을 바람이 조금씩 솔솔~ 여러분도 따뜻한 커피 한잔의 여유 어떠세요?

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - Spus Official Site Update 2012 2nd Story in Japan - Zepp Nagoya. 2012.08

Credits  hyungjun.spluscompany.co.kr

[Media Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - Zepp Tour Photo by K-fan me

Credits  k-fan.me

[Scan] Kim Hyun Joong - Josei Jishin Japan Magazine by elley

Credits  http://blog.daum.net/elley0606

[Photo+Trans] Heo Young Saeng - Twitter Site Update [12.09.18] (4 times)

Credits  @mystyle1103

RT @mystyle1103: Good morning~~^^ http://twitpic.com/avs246

[Trans] Weather changes like this? Ke

RT @mystyle1103: http://twitpic.com/avshsq 날씨이렇게변할거라고?ㅋ


[Trans] 5 hours..Numb~~~~

RT @mystyle1103: 5시간째..멍~~~~ http://twitpic.com/avu22b


RT @mystyle1103http://twitpic.com/avu2cOver joyed!

[Official Photo] Heo Young Saeng - Japanese Debut Album Over Joyed

Credits  www.facebook.com/b2mentofficial

[Photo] Heo Young Saeng - Japanese Album "Over Joyed" Photo Book + DVD Capture

Credits  @nnochi + @703kyu + @okayu4ever