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WellcOme tO My Blog

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

[IvyChiang Fancam] Park Jung Min Fanmeeting in Taiwan [14.02.22]

Credit:  IvyChiang
Uploaded by  leeteuklove01@youtube

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun, Kim KiBum at Lee Seung Jin Birthday Party [14.02.22]

Credit:  @JUNGYEON1023 

[Yes娛樂 Video] Park Jung Min Fanmeeting in Taiwan [14.02.22]

Park Jung Min Fanmeeting in Taiwan at Taipei Da-Tong Sports Stadium, at 2pm and 7.30pm

Uploaded by  tukusi005067@youtube

[TBSCTS Video] Park Jung Min Fanmeeting at Taipei [14.02.22]

Credit:  TBSCTS@youtube

[illu blue Fancam] Kim Hyun Joong "Inspiring Generation" Shooting in Namyangju [14.02.18]

Credit:  illu blue@youtube

practising fight choreo between takes

[Sponsor] Kim Hyung Jun - 'THIRES' (TEPC39_BC67) Bracelet

Credit:  http://www.thiers.co.kr/Front/Product/?url=Product&product_no=TH0501BC0000448&main_cate_no=AF000000&display_group=1

[Article] Kim Hyun Joong's fans feed the 'Generation of Youth' staff with a food truck

Credit:  www.allkpop.com

Kim Hyun Joong's fans showed their hearts of gold by feeding the cast and staff with a food truck on the set of 'Generation of Youth'!

The fans thanked the drama's crew for their hard work especially in the cold weather with a food truck featuring a banner which read, "Enjoy a delicious meal ^^. For the staff, it's free!! For Jung Tae, it's 3000 KRW (~$3 USD)!!!", alluding to a scene in the drama in which Shin Jung Tae gives up 3000 KRW to eat kimchi stew.

Kim Hyun Joong's fans have shown their overwhelming care and consideration time and time again with their coat gifts for the staff, food trucks, and an 18-ton rice wreath during the drama's press conference to cheer the actor on as well.

Aren't they sweet?

[Media Photo] Park Jung Min - Era News Exclusive Interview, Taiwan Media [14.02.21]

Credit:  http://www.ezkorea.com.tw/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1437

[Photo] Kim Hyung Jun - JJUNAWAY Official Site Update [14.02.21]

Credit:  http://kimhyungjun.jp/

[Media Photo] Park Jung Min came to Taiwan to catch the "Stars" cooking chicken

Credit:  http://ent.appledaily.com.tw/enews/article/entertainment/20140222/35657401

Credit:  http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews