③Osaka★Date:2014 June 20th (Fri)★Location:Minatomachi River Place<Venue official HP> http://www.oud.co.jp/riverplace/index.php★CD start sales in the booth: :2014 June 20th (Thu) start 9:30am.★Handshake meeting start time::2014 June 20th (Thu) start 1:00 pm.Credit: http://blog.naver.com/murdererq/220036317097
Credit: http://weibo.com/tend3r
Kim Hyun Joong after eventCredit: @pinkkhj
Credit: http://www.tabikobo-kchannel.com/kimhyungjun201408/Only Japan fansAugust 1st BBQ and camp fireAugust 2nd photo and handshake session and special gift from Kim Hyung JunAugust 3rd Musical 'Cafe-in' performance
Credit: @HyungJun8English trans @xiaochu1004
[Trans] It's been a long time since I'd be going on live radio broadcast~ Sukira (program name: Super junior kiss the radio)~ see you later^-^RT @HyungJun87: 오랜만에 생방으로 라디오 나가요~ 슈키라 ~ 있다봐요들^-^