WellcOme tO My Blog

WellcOme tO My Blog

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

[Photo+Trans] Park Jung Min - Official Facebook Site Update [14.05.30]

Credit:  www.facebook.com/OfficialParkJungMin
English trans  @xiaochu1004 

[Trans] Hi for today too~^^ today is the day I'm leaving for Japan~^^ I'll return back safely! ^^ cheer up for today too everyone!!!

[Photo] Park Jung Min with Director Kim Sung Soo at 'Genome Hazard(무명인)' VIP Movie Premiere [14.05.20]

Credit:  http://intokoreaint.blog.me/220012394911

[Sponsor] Kim Hyung Jun - 'ZIOZIA' Clothing Sponsor

Credit:  https://www.facebook.com/ziozia.andz
Jacket: BZU2KC1109
T-Shirts: BLU2TP1005

[with501time Photo] Park Jung Min 'Save Us Tonight' Events at Tower Records Shibuya [14.05.12]

Credit:  www.facebook.com/with501time

[Photo] Lotte JTB Holidays in Korea World Travel Fair [14.05.29]

Credit:  www.facebook.com/lotteholiday

[Info] Kim Hyun Joong "HOT SUN" Jacket Photo + Promotional Released [14.05.29]

Credit:  http://korepo.com/archives/37139 + http://tower.jp/article/feature_item/2014/04/28/0101 + http://www.asian-hana.com/2014/05/-newhot-sun.html + http://www.hmv.co.jp/en/news/article/1404280002/ 

□Official HP:http://henecia.jp/
□UNIVERSAL MUSIC HP:http://www.universal-music.co.jp/kim-hyun-joong

<"HOT SUN" product form>

【Limited Edition TypeA】 

UICV-9053 / Tax included¥1,900(before tax¥1,759) /
CD + DVD + 6P Booklet with sleeve
★「purchaser application privilege」application leaflet inclusion!

■ CD Collecting contents:
01. "HOT SUN"
02. "TIMING (feat. SKY-HI)"
03. "HOT SUN-Instrumental-"
04. "TIMING (feat. SKY-HI)-Instrumental-"

■ DVD collecting contents: TBA (different from the first production limited edition TypeB content)

【Limited Edition TypeB】

UICV-9054 /Tax included¥1,900(before tax¥1,759) / CD + DVD + 6P Booklet with sleeve

★「purchaser application privilege」application leaflet inclusion!

■CD Collecting contents: 
01.「HOT SUN」 
02.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI)」 
03.「HOT SUN -Instrumental-」 
04.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI) -Instrumental-」

■ DVD collecting contents: Constant (which is different from the first production limited edition TypeA content)

【Limited Edition TypeC】

UICV-9055 / Tax included¥1,400(before tax¥1,296) / CD + 6P Booklet with sleeve

★「purchaser application privilege」application leaflet inclusion!

■CD Collecting contents: 
01.「HOT SUN」 
02.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI)」 
04.「HOT SUN -Instrumental-」 
05.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI) -Instrumental-」
06.「Good-Bye -Instrumental-」

※ coupling song "Good-Bye" has been recorded only in this form.

【Limited Edition TypeD】

UICV-9056 / Tax included¥1,400(before tax¥1,296) / CD + 6P Booklet with sleeve

★「purchaser application privilege」application leaflet inclusion!

■CD Collecting contents: 
01.「HOT SUN」 
02.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI)」 
04.「HOT SUN -Instrumental-」 
05.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI) -Instrumental-」
06.「B.I.N.G.O -Instrumental-」

※ coupling song "B.I.N.G.O" has been recorded only in this form.

【Limited Edition TypeE】

UICV-9057 / Tax included¥1,400(before tax¥1,296 / CD + 8P random photo card, with sleeve

★「purchaser application privilege」application leaflet inclusion!

■CD Collecting contents: 
01.「HOT SUN」 
02.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI)」
03.「HOT SUN -Instrumental-」 
04.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI) -Instrumental-」

【Normal Edition】

UICV-5031 / Tax included¥1,200(before tax¥1,111 / CD + 4P Booklet with sleeve

★「purchaser application privilege」application leaflet inclusion!

■CD Collecting contents: 
01.「HOT SUN」 
02.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI)」
03.「HOT SUN -Instrumental-」 
04.「TIMING (feat. SKY-HI) -Instrumental-」

[Video] Kim Hyung Jun, Kim KiBum - Musical 'Cale-in' Interview

Credit:  Musical 'Cafe-in'@youtube

[Photo+Trans] Park Jung Min - Official Facebook Site Update [14.05.29]

Credit:  www.facebook.com/OfficialParkJungMin
English trans  @xiaochu1004 

[Trans] Kkokkioh (xc:sound of rooster calling)!! It's 8am, please wake up!^^

RT @JungMin0403: 꼬끼오!! 8시예요 일어나세요!^^

[Trans] I am organising my photo book~ discovered one photo of my solo trip to Europe last year!! Ah~~ hungry!!!! 

RT @JungMin0403: 사진집 정리 중~
작년 홀로 여행다녀온 유럽사진 한장 발견!!
아~~ 배고파!!!! http://fb.me/2ygho2z4b

[Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Official Facebook & Weibo Site Update [14.05.29]

Credit:  https://www.facebook.com/kimhyunjoong

Credit:  http://weibo.com/hyunjoongk

[Photo] Kim Hyun Joong - Lotte Duty Free Photo Update [14.05.28]

Credit:  @mollybb0706 

[Photo] Heo Young Saeng - Seoul Police Hongbodan Event - 'Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Puppet Show' [14.05.28]

Credit:  http://blog.daum.net/jygilll/16131865