Take out by @SakuraDream501
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Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012
[Info] Kim Hyung Jun - ‘Do it! love the environment’ Mission 2.
‘Do it! love the environment’ Mission 2. Do it love the environment by yourself
The day of the campaign, take a picture of the ‘love the environment’ in 13days.
The second mission is ‘Do it love the environment by yourself’ from today.
Did you check the list of the environmental protection?
It was make from the way of you guys ^^
Please, be the environment protector like Hybrid KIM HYUNG JUN of Splus.
‘Do it! love the environment’ Mission 2. The way of apply to the mission
(Do it love the environment by yourself)
* Period : October 16(Tue) AM00 ~ 28(Sun) PM 24
* Place : Community freeboard of KIM HYUNG JUN or SPLUS official twitter
* How : [Do it! love the environment] #’The practice diary for ‘love the environment by yourself
ex) Title : # Using a shopping basket diary to ‘Do it love the environment by yourself of
Please, write a diary with a picture, after do some in the list of the environmental protection!!
Welcome your diary, and SPLUS has to check to your diary, and reply to about it, everyday.
We will elect the King or Queen of the Mission(Do it love the environment by yourself).
If you take the position of the King or Queen, You can get a Polaroid PIC with a sign of KIM HYUNG JUN, surprise present and a special certificate about the campaign.
It is a big chance for become a good environment protector and get the presents.
We will wait your apply to it.
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