Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011

Pemeran Ji Hoo dalam ‘Boys Before Flower’ Kim Hyun Joong sudah beberapa kali berbagi cerita tentang dirinya yang kerap bertemu makhluk gaib. Kali ini ia bercerita hal yang lebih buruk daripada melihat hantu.
Hyun Joong pernah bercerita tentang dirinya yang bertemu hantu di rumah, di asrama, dan di lokasi syuting. Karena sering bertemu, ia pun mengaku beberapa kali berbicara dengan hantu tersebut untuk mengusir atau menyuruh mereka diam.
Namun ketika ditanya tentang apakah ia bertemu hantu di lokasi syuting video klip untuk album ‘Break Down’, Hyun Joong menjawab santai bahwa syuting itu sendiri lebih buruk daripada melihat hantu.
“Aku harus menari ratusan kali setiap hari saat syuting video klip dan akhirnya sakit setelah syuting selesai. Itu lebih mengerikan dari melihat hantu,” ujar Hyun Joong saat sesi jumpa pers di Taiwan pada 16 Agustus 2011.
Hyun Joong berada di Taiwan untuk jumpa fans dan promo produk kosmetik di mana ia menjadi modelnya. Ia juga meminta maaf karena tidak bisa tampil menyanyi di Taiwan, dan berjanji akan kembali tahun depan untuk menggelar konser di sana.
English translate :
Starring Ji Hoo in 'Boys Over Flowers' Kim Hyun Joong had several timesto share stories about her that often meet a supernatural being. This time he told me worse things than seeing a ghost.
Hyun Joong had a meeting to talk about himself in the house ghost, in the dorms, and on location. Because it is often met, he was admitted severaltimes to talk to the ghost to expel or tell them to shut up.
But when asked about whether he meets a ghost on the set of the videoclip for the album 'Break Down', Hyun Joong replied casually that thefilming itself is worse than seeing a ghost.
"I have to dance hundreds of times every day while filming the video clipand end up sick after filming finished. It was more horrifying than seeing a ghost, "said Hyun Joong session press conference in Taiwan on August 16, 2011.
Hyun Joong was in Taiwan for the fan and the promotion of cosmetic products where it became the model. He also apologized for notappearing to sing in Taiwan, and promised to return next year to hold a concert there.
Hyun Joong had a meeting to talk about himself in the house ghost, in the dorms, and on location. Because it is often met, he was admitted severaltimes to talk to the ghost to expel or tell them to shut up.
But when asked about whether he meets a ghost on the set of the videoclip for the album 'Break Down', Hyun Joong replied casually that thefilming itself is worse than seeing a ghost.
"I have to dance hundreds of times every day while filming the video clipand end up sick after filming finished. It was more horrifying than seeing a ghost, "said Hyun Joong session press conference in Taiwan on August 16, 2011.
Hyun Joong was in Taiwan for the fan and the promotion of cosmetic products where it became the model. He also apologized for notappearing to sing in Taiwan, and promised to return next year to hold a concert there.
credit: Soompi
Indo Trans: hot.detik