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Senin, 29 April 2013
[Trans] Kim Hyun Joong - Kang Ho Dong see through Kim Hyun Joong’s charm,”Being the leader of idol groups are like you?”
Kang Ho Dong burst into laughter because of Kim Hyun Joong’s 4D charisma.
SBS Barefoot Friends aired on 28th, beginning the journey of a self-sufficient trip in Vietnam.
During the trip, towards Kim Hyun Joong’s charisma Kang Ho Dong expressed: “Sometimes you are like Kim Jongmin, and sometimes like Eun Jiwon. Are you once a leader of a group?”
To this, Kim Hyun Joong answered:” Yes, I’ve been a leader before. Because I’m a leader, there’s no differences in the team. Because a leader must know first of all he owed the members upfront.”
Kim Hyun Joong added:” Actually I was once a burden to the members.” Kang Ho Dong burst out laughing.
SBS variety program [Barefoot Friends] is leaded by Kang Ho Dong, Yoon Jong Shin, Kim Bum Soo, Kim Hyun Joong, Yoon Si Yoon, Yoo Se Yoon, Super Junior’s Eun Hyuk and After School’s UEE travelling to places in Korea and overseas and spending time with the locals.
[Fanpic] Kim Hyun Joong - Barefoot Friends Filming in Indonesia [13.04.29] (Day-4, Part 2)
Part 1 HERE
Credit: @itaito
Credit: @Feniigustira
Credit: @bbiribabo
- 130429 KHJ getting his towel wet to keep it cool. SO HOT IN PASTY Birds Market.
Credit: @babywufans
Credit: @fyseolhyun
Credit: @biankaagatha
Credit: @sarassaurus
Credit: @itaito
Credit: @Feniigustira
Credit: @bbiribabo
- 130429 KHJ getting his towel wet to keep it cool. SO HOT IN PASTY Birds Market.
Credit: @babywufans
Credit: @fyseolhyun
Credit: @biankaagatha
Credit: @sarassaurus
[Fanpic] Kim Hyun Joong - Barefoot Friends Filming in Indonesia [13.04.29] (Day-4)
They are wearing "Sarung Batik"
Credit: @Hyunited6686
- "Barefoot Friends" team are briefing now
Credit: @Hyunited6686
- "Barefoot Friends" team are briefing now
[29.04.13] "BareFoot Friends" starts shooting now
- Kim Hyun Joong & team are doing "Barefoot Friends" mission
- Kim Hyun Joong's team is doing "Barefoot Friends" mission at Prambanan Temple,Yogyakarta
- KimHyun Joong "Barefoot Friends" shooting in Prambanan Temple,Yogyakarta
- Kim Hyun Joong's Barefoot Friends team is doing the mission
- Kim Hyun Joong's team is doing "Barefoot Friends" mission at Prambanan Temple,Yogyakarta
- KimHyun Joong "Barefoot Friends" shooting in Prambanan Temple,Yogyakarta
- Kim Hyun Joong's Barefoot Friends team is doing the mission
- Kim Hyun Joong is doing "Barefoot Friends" mission in Prambanan Temple,Yogyakarta
- Kim Hyun Joong's Barefoot Friends team mission,taking pictures with tourists
- the next location will be here for the next mission. this location is near the King of Yogyakarta's palace. it's a scary place at night.
- the staff are preparing for the next mission under the twin trees
- We still don't know the mission but HJ team pick a delman driver, a mother in hijab, a guy wearing cap.
Credit: @Siti_sehaKHJ
Credit: @arsie0727
- Timang beach @ Wonosari, Jogjakarta
Credit: @tripleSkaltim
- Barefoot Friends team just arrived in the next filming location for this morning~
- All of casts are walking to the set place in front of us
- HJ's wearing a black cap, green scarf, and grey outfit. They will start filming soon
- Seems like they're divided into 2 teams. And start the mission.
- Kyaaaa my friend from Japanese & Hongkong are sooo lucky. They're invited to take a picture with HJ's team
- When HJ walked in front of me I call him Hyun Joong ssi,he smile to me and also waving. Kyaaaa >.<
- Seems like all fans are doing the mission too. We run and run to follow the team kkkk~
- I think each team has to find some foreigners to take a picture with them~
- HJ's team going to somewhere by car. Still dont know yet where will they go
- The casts are having their lunch and the staffs still preparing at the set place~
- The casts will filming under twins tree~
- HJ's team at a restaurant now. Having their meal. I'm eating here too :D
- UEE made us very shock. Cause she fainted suddenly. But actually she just pretending. Hyun Joong laughing so much lol
- The casts have to order their meal and they trying hard speak in Indonesia. Soooo cute lol
- HJ's team are eating. Not sure what he has ordered but looks like noodle
- Seems like HJ is really hungry. He eat so fast! Lol
Credit: @NurryCallista
Credit: @yuliearsha
In the market
Credit: @colorfullshine
Credit: @Risahernanda
Credit: @BarefootFriends
- Hyun Joong team are here now. If HJ oppa can pass the twin trees with eyes closed it mean he will come back to Jogja
Credit: @christ_eka
Credit: @aderevaa
Credit: @arintatita
Credit @daninkFebriyana
Credit: @babywufans
- Kim Hyun Joong's Barefoot Friends team mission,taking pictures with tourists
- the next location will be here for the next mission. this location is near the King of Yogyakarta's palace. it's a scary place at night.
- the staff are preparing for the next mission under the twin trees
- We still don't know the mission but HJ team pick a delman driver, a mother in hijab, a guy wearing cap.
Credit: @Siti_sehaKHJ
Credit: @arsie0727
- Timang beach @ Wonosari, Jogjakarta
Credit: @tripleSkaltim
- Barefoot Friends team just arrived in the next filming location for this morning~
- All of casts are walking to the set place in front of us
- HJ's wearing a black cap, green scarf, and grey outfit. They will start filming soon
- Seems like they're divided into 2 teams. And start the mission.
- Kyaaaa my friend from Japanese & Hongkong are sooo lucky. They're invited to take a picture with HJ's team
- When HJ walked in front of me I call him Hyun Joong ssi,he smile to me and also waving. Kyaaaa >.<
- Seems like all fans are doing the mission too. We run and run to follow the team kkkk~
- I think each team has to find some foreigners to take a picture with them~
- HJ's team going to somewhere by car. Still dont know yet where will they go
- The casts are having their lunch and the staffs still preparing at the set place~
- The casts will filming under twins tree~
- HJ's team at a restaurant now. Having their meal. I'm eating here too :D
- UEE made us very shock. Cause she fainted suddenly. But actually she just pretending. Hyun Joong laughing so much lol
- The casts have to order their meal and they trying hard speak in Indonesia. Soooo cute lol
- HJ's team are eating. Not sure what he has ordered but looks like noodle
- Seems like HJ is really hungry. He eat so fast! Lol
Credit: @NurryCallista
Credit: @yuliearsha
In the market
Credit: @binarpopo
Credit: @ariesieas
Credit: @colorfullshine
Credit: @Risahernanda
Credit: @BarefootFriends
- Hyun Joong team are here now. If HJ oppa can pass the twin trees with eyes closed it mean he will come back to Jogja
Credit: @christ_eka
Credit: @aderevaa
Credit: @arintatita
Credit @daninkFebriyana
Credit: @babywufans
Credit: @megaa_andriani
Credit: @rhemaraisaaa
Credit: @rhemaraisaaa
Credit: @SiiSueSan
Credit: @OppieFirsty
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