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Kamis, 14 Maret 2013
[FULL] 130309 SS501 Kim Hyung Jun - 'THE FIRST' Special Live Concert in Seou
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[News] Kim Hyung Jun to Attend Concert in Singapore as Korea Representative
Credit mwave.interest.me
Kim Hyung Jun will be performing at a large-scale concert with other Asian stars as the representative of Korea.
The singer will leave for Singapore today, March 15, to attend the SPD Charity Show 2013 hosted by Singapore′s Mediacorp TV.
The SPD Charity Show 2013 is a charity event for a fund aimed to realize the dreams of the physically challenged, and invites a star from each Asian country to participate.
All profits from the concert will be donated to the Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD) in Singapore.
Kim Hyung Jun is known for donating rice to the needy in Korea, and even recently adopted an abandoned dog as his pet.
His appearance in the concert follows many other likewise appearances as the representative of Korea in Malaysia and Bangkok.
Kim Hyung Jun recently held his first exclusive concert The First.
Photo credit: S-Plus
Kim Hyung Jun will be performing at a large-scale concert with other Asian stars as the representative of Korea.
The singer will leave for Singapore today, March 15, to attend the SPD Charity Show 2013 hosted by Singapore′s Mediacorp TV.
The SPD Charity Show 2013 is a charity event for a fund aimed to realize the dreams of the physically challenged, and invites a star from each Asian country to participate.
All profits from the concert will be donated to the Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD) in Singapore.
Kim Hyung Jun is known for donating rice to the needy in Korea, and even recently adopted an abandoned dog as his pet.
His appearance in the concert follows many other likewise appearances as the representative of Korea in Malaysia and Bangkok.
Kim Hyung Jun recently held his first exclusive concert The First.
Photo credit: S-Plus
[Photo+Trans] Park Jung Min - Shared by JeomReah [13.03.15]
Credit @jeomreah
English trans @SakuraDream501
English trans @SakuraDream501
[Trans] Inside the glass are my dad, #ParkJungMin
RT @jeomreah: 열창 중인 울 아빠, #박정민 pic.twitter.com/teTMjBDqy
[Trans] My dad, #ParkJungMin stunning back... What about you??
RT @jeomreah :울 아빠, #박정민 의 아찔 뒷태... 어떤가요?? pic.twitter.com/n84baERr9C
[Photo+Trans] Park Jung Min - Official Facebook Site Update [13.03.15]
[Trans] Yesterday was White Day? I didn't know that... Last night only rehearse ZEPP Tour with members!!!
어제가 화이트데이? 전혀 몰랐다는... ZEPP 투어 멤버들과 야식을 함께 했을 뿐!!!
[Trans] Haha, looked back to the single and Beautiful music video...!!!
하하, 다시 보니 Beautiful 뮤직비디오와 싱크율이...!!!
Credit: @MyloveKBS More in for here->> musicbank
Credit enewsworld.interest.me
Making a hot and colorful comeback, Heo Young Saeng returned to the stage to start his third mini album promotions
Making a hot and colorful comeback, Heo Young Saeng returned to the stage to start his third mini album promotions
On March 14, Heo Young Saeng appeared on Mnet’s M Countdown to perform The Art of Seduction. Like a veteran singer, Heo Young Saeng charmed the ladies on White Day in his bright blue jacket and cotton candy pink hair.
[Trans] Heo Young Saeng, Kim Hyung Jun - Twitter Site Update [13.03.14]
Credit @mystyle1103 + @HyungJun87 + @b2ment + @YES_STAFF
English trans @SakuraDream501
English trans @SakuraDream501
Heo Young Saeng tweet
RT @mystyle1103: RT @b2ment: 허영생_HEO YOUNG SAENG_작업의정석_The art of seduction_M/V youtu.be/XNgHLOFndZc
Kim Hyung Jun reply
[Trans] Hwaiting Heo-si
RT @HyungJun87: 화이팅 허씨~^^ RT @mystyle1103: RT @b2ment: 허영생_HEO YOUNG SAENG_작업의정석_The art of seduction_M/V youtu.be/XNgHLOFndZc
YES_STAFF & B2M tweet
RT @YES_STAFF: 이런 오빠는 어때?? “@b2ment: 컴백일이 화이트데이!! 작업생님이 Y.E.S에게 보내는 달콤한 초콜렛~~맛있게 드세요! pic.twitter.com/aDl9MIn4Ne”
[Media Photo] Heo Young Saeng - "The Art of Seduction" on M!Coundown [13.03.14]
Credit http://www.tvreport.co.kr/?c=news&m=newsview&idx=321567
Credit http://www.obsnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=695962
Credit http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1363263100481445017
Credit http://news.sportsseoul.com/read/photomovie/1154764.htm
Credit http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201303141810190910
Credit http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1363254946481323010
Credit http://xportsnews.hankyung.com/?ac=article_view&entry_id=306653
Credit http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201303142153202710
Credit http://news.nate.com/view/20130314n39020
Credit http://news.nate.com/view/20130314n39061
Credit http://www.obsnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=695962
Credit http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1363263100481445017
Credit http://news.sportsseoul.com/read/photomovie/1154764.htm
Credit http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201303141810190910
Credit http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1363254946481323010
Credit http://xportsnews.hankyung.com/?ac=article_view&entry_id=306653
Credit http://www.newsen.com/news_view.php?uid=201303142153202710
Credit http://news.nate.com/view/20130314n39020
Credit http://news.nate.com/view/20130314n39061
[Trans] Kim Kyu Jong - Twitter Site Update [13.03.14]
Credit @2kjdream + @mystyle1103
English trans @SakuraDream501
[Trans] @mystyle1103 Aigoo so cute to death!!!!~~~~^^ Hyung, how about me~~ Heehee Oppa is daebak~~ The Art Of Seduction is daebakkk~~
RT @2kjdream @mystyle1103 아이구 귀여워 죽겠네!!!!~~~~ ^^ 형 나는 어때~~ ㅎㅎ 오빠는 대박이다~~작업의정석 대박이다아아~~
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