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Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

[Trans] 'Inspiring Generation' Jo Dal Hwan gave high praise "I have great respect for Kim Hyun Joong's fine personality'

[Trans-updated] 'Inspiring Generation' Jo Dal Hwan gave high praise "I have great respect for Kim Hyun Joong's fine personality'

Source: Unknown + (chi trans) 爱贤21度C@wb + (eng trans) kelemama
Re-post with full credits!

Note: not full trans, only mainly about parts JDH praised/talk on Hyun Joong.

Note2: added 3 new paragraph in []

While drinking with Kim Hyun Joong we talked about the relationship between Jung Tae and Poong Cha, exchanged and clarified many points. "Although not blood-related but it seem to be a more cherished relationship (than blood-related r/s). We communicated with the PD for 3 months on this. Jung Tae and Poong Cha are not family members, but because of the love for a being, it will collapse if there's no such feeling of belonging, so there were dialogues that were not from the script that came out during the scene when Poong Cha died.

Jo Dal Hwan frankly expressed that he is feeling good about the scene where Kim Hyun Joong who acted as Shin Jung Tae was crying, also felt happy that the ratings went up. He also said 'Will still be like friends with Kim Hyun Joong after the drama ends. Although he is younger than me, but he is tough, good personality, I respect him. That friend's (HJ) actions, the look that came from the heart, words he says, about surrounding issues/conditions also is higher level than me, I respect him in that sense."

"This is not just my own thoughts, actors and colleagues around us, senior actors also gave similar appraisal on Hyun Joong's personality. During guesting on 'Cool Kiz On The Block', senior Kang Ho Dong expressed that he is friends with Hyun Joong. At first I thought 'Do you need to be like that?' but I understood (what KHD meant) after meeting (Kim Hyun Joong). Hyun Joong looks at the world with very good insights, and will treat all things equally. And Hyun Joong doesn't just do the talking only, he will translate words into action. (HJ) Doesn't have burdensome things and is very frank. He will keep to his bottomline when drinking, doesn't go over (get himself drunk). That's how strong the human touch he releases."

["In senior Oh Dal-Su's gathering, all the actors who were there drinking all praised Hyun Joong. I know what it is. Hyun Joong is already equipped with the posture and talent for an actor. Before succeeding as an actor, he succeeded as a man(human being). Even though his acting skills are still inadequate, but his mindset, explosiveness and concept are most charismatic. The lack of skills can use very powerful weapon -- warmth -- to fill up, thus will be a very charismatic actor." ]

Source:  http://tvdaily.mk.co.kr/read.php3?aid=1392266450652981020

Below are also from Jo Dal Hwan but not from the above news source.

[Met shortly (with Hyun Joong) in a variety show before, but doesn't know him very well. Through 'Inspiring Generation' drink together, eat together and had communications. The more I know him I felt he has no pretense, very frank. And doesn't act like a big shot. Sometimes is it because of the outlook, the humanity side (of a person) is thus hidden? It seems that very soon (Hyun Joong) will display a side that is out of this framework.]

[There are many fans visiting him during his shooting everyday, really felt Kim Hyun Joong's popularity. And said "The more I get to know Kim Hyun Joong, the more I discovered his frankness and straightforwardness." "Kim Hyun Joong is really a very treasured friend lately. Very handsome and tough. Through Kim Hyun Joong, I've also learnt a lot about life." "Seeing that he has many long time friends, can tell that this friend is really very good."]

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